Enhancing Corrections...


Secretariat Services

This division coordinates the activities of the Institute’s several divisions and provides administrative and logistical support. This division also manages the secretariat duties for the following organizations:

APAI Banner



The National Jail Leadership Command Academy (NJLCA) is the result of a collaborative effort between the American Jail Association (AJA) and the Correctional Management Institute of Texas (CMIT) that takes pride in providing training for succession preparation and the development of leadership skills for successful transitioning into senior leadership positions within jails.

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NAPE Banner



Founded in 1981, the National Association of Probation Executives (NAPE) is a professional organization representing the chief executive officers of local, county, and state probation agencies.

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TACA Banner

State of Texas


The Texas Association for Court Administration was organized to encourage and promote continuing education and maintenance of professional standards for Court Administration and to aid in identifying the individual needs of the Courts and their administrative personnel in improving the administration of justice.

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TASC Banner

State of Texas


The Texas Association of Specialty Courts (TASC) was founded to: Increase local and statewide political, media and community awareness of the existence and success of drug courts; Support legislation authorizing funding for the operation of drug courts; and Provide support for jurisdictions wanting to establish drug courts.

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TJA Banner

State of Texas


The Texas Jail Association was formed on June 4, 1986, in Austin, TX. The organization's main objective is to provide a distinct and unified voice for corrections officers working in local jails. TJA's membership is comprised of Jail Administrators, Corrections Officers, Sheriffs, Support Staff, and other interested parties of the corrections profession in Texas.

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TCA Banner

State of Texas


Texas Corrections Association is dedicated to providing a forum for promoting quality correctional practices through professional growth, leadership, mentorship and education. TCA is organized to anticipate and respond to the needs of our members, clients and the general public.

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TPA Banner

State of Texas


In 1974, the Texas Probation Association was chartered to create an association just for probation professionals. The initial thought of a professional probation association brought about the importance of networking through training, and the ability to gather ideas on how we might better serve our communities and perform the tasks placed upon us by the courts.

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SCRC Banner

State of Texas


The Texas Association of Pretrial Services (TAPS) is a newly established, non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of pretrial services within the State of Texas. TAPS was established on January 14, 2014, during a conference attended by nearly a hundred pretrial professionals from all over Texas. Our conference is affiliated with the National Association of Pretrial Services (NAPSA).

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Secretariat Contacts

For more information about the Secretariat Services Division at CMIT, contact:

Vanessa Farmer Photo

Project Coordinator

Vanessa Farmer

Secretariat - TCA
Secretariat - NAPE

Email Vanessa

Amber Gregory Photo

Project Manager

Amber Gregory

Secretariat - TASC
Program Manager - SCRC

Email Amber

Kasadi Gutierrez Photo

Project Coordinator

Kasadi Gutierrez

Secretariat - TACA

Email Kasadi

Sharese Hurst Photo

Division Director

Sharese Hurst

Secretariat - TJA

Email Sharese

Angela Semar Photo

Program Specialist

Angela Semar

Secretariat - TAPS
Secretariat - TPA

Email Angela

Amanda Wood Photo

Division Director

Amanda Wood

Secretariat - NJCSA

Email Amanda



©2024 Correctional Management Institute of Texas

George J. Beto Criminal Justice Center
| Sam Houston State University
| A Member of The Texas State University System