Enhancing Corrections...


Cancellation Policy:
Full refunds will be given to those who cancel in writing more than ten working days prior to the training. All refunds after ten days will be reviewed by the Treasurer and Executive Board. A fee will be charged for refunds from PayPal payments. The Texas Chief Deputies Association reserves the right to retain or collect fees in full for those who fail to cancel prior to the training for those who fail to attend. Emergencies and agency situations are taken into consideration. Substitutions are permitted at any time.

Payment Information:
TCDA accepts check payments as well as PayPal. Cash is accepted at the conference.
Please make checks payable to TCDA or Texas Chief Deputies Association.
Mail Checks to: TCDA Treasurer Cheryl Martin, 201 North Main Room 113, Andrews, TX 79713

©2025 Correctional Management Institute of Texas

George J. Beto Criminal Justice Center
| Sam Houston State University
| A Member of The Texas State University System