Enhancing Corrections...


EVENT FULL Mandatory Topics Training for Trainers - Juvenile

Topics Covered:

  • JPO Mandatory Topics
  • Three additional JSO Topics

Who Should Attend:

Limited to Texas Criminal Justice Professionals
  • Community Corrections
  • Training Coordinators
  • Department Trainers

Training Hours: 30.50



Oct 02 (08:00 am) - 05, 2023 (04:00 pm)



Location Information:

George J. Beto Criminal Justice Center
Dr. Del Carmen Room
Sam Houston State University
816 17th St.
Huntsville, Texas 77340

Hotel Information: *

University Hotel
1610 Bobby K. Marks Dr.
Huntsville, Texas 77340
Phone: 936-496-2151

Ask for the Mandatory Topics Training for Trainers room block. Hotel reservations are the responsibility of the participant. This hotel is just a suggestion.

THE CLASS IS CURRENTLY FULL. If you would like to be added to the waiting list please email awood@shsu.edu

This Training for Trainers event is designed to provide the attendee a review and suggested example delivery of the Mandatory Topics listed under Texas Administrative Code 344-620 and 344-622. This event will be presented by the competent and experienced Resource Training Officer (RTO) Team. The RTO Team is made up of both county and TJJD trainers. The goal is for each attendee to participate in consistent delivery with opportunity to ask questions. Finally, with the collective group of attendees from departments across the state there will be ample opportunity to share experiences and education about how training is being delivered to juvenile justice professionals in Texas.

CMIT will cover cost of the training material and snack breaks. Agencies are responsible for travel expenses, hotel nights, parking, and meals.

For more information, contact:
Amanda Wood, Division Director
Correctional Management Institute of Texas
George J. Beto Criminal Justice Building
Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341-2296
Fax: (936) 294-1671
Phone: (936) 294-1227

Cancellation Policy:
If paid, full refunds will be given to those who cancel in writing more than ten (10) working days prior to the training. A refund of 70% of the fees paid will be authorized when a written request for cancellation and refund of conference or program fees is submitted less than ten (10) working days prior to the scheduled start of the program. If unpaid, those who cancel in writing more than ten (10) working days prior to the training will have all fees waived. When a written request for cancellation is submitted less than ten (10) working days prior to the scheduled start of the program, the participant will be responsible for 30% of the conference rate at the time they registered. The Correctional Management Institute of Texas reserves the right to retain or collect fees in full for those who fail to cancel in writing prior to the training or for those who fail to attend. Substitutions are permitted at anytime.

* Unless otherwise noted, hotel arrangements are the responsibility of the participant.

©2025 Correctional Management Institute of Texas

George J. Beto Criminal Justice Center
| Sam Houston State University
| A Member of The Texas State University System