Enhancing Corrections...


Enhancing Corrections...

The Correctional Management Institute of Texas, created in 1994, is Enhancing Corrections in adult and juvenile community and institutional corrections agencies by providing the following:

Training Variety | Value, Quality and Relevance | Assistance to the Field | Field Research

The Correctional Management Institute of Texas, created in 1994, is “Enhancing Corrections” in adult and juvenile community and institutional corrections agencies by providing Training Variety; Value, Quality & Relevance; Assistance to the Field; and Field Research.

About CMIT

FOR MORE THAN THREE DECADES the criminal justice program at Sam Houston State University has administered an extensive continuing education program, enabling practitioners to stay abreast of current issues and trends in the field.

In 1994, the Correctional Management Institute of Texas was created and became responsible for all professional development programs unrelated to law enforcement, and Dan Richard Beto was named the Institute’s founding Director. The Correctional Management Institute of Texas is charged with developing and delivering professional education, management development, and issues specific training programs for personnel in juvenile and adult community and institutional corrections agencies.

The Institute includes the:
• County Corrections Division
• Mid-Management Programs
• Texas Probation Training Academy
• Secretariat Services Division
• Special Programs Division

In addition to developing and delivering its own programs, the Correctional Management Institute of Texas serves as the host site for conferences, training initiatives, and meetings of the National Institute of Corrections, Texas Center for the Judiciary, Texas Association for Court Administration, Texas District and County Attorney’s Association, Texas Probation Association, Texas Criminal Defense Attorney's Association, area probation departments, and various divisions of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

The Institute serves as the Secretariat for the National Association of Probation Executives, Texas Probation Association, Texas Jail Association, National Juvenile Court Services Association, and the Texas Association for Court Administration. In addition, the Institute works closely with members of the faculty to identify and facilitate Research Initiatives. The Institute is served by an Advisory Council, composed of some of the leading criminal justice practitioners in Texas.

Finally, in keeping with its mandate, the Institute provides Technical Assistance to criminal justice agencies.

Our Location

THE CORRECTIONAL MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE OF TEXAS is housed in the George J. Beto Criminal Justice Center at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. Constructed in 1977, this 193,000 square foot complex was made possible by generous grants from the Texas Legislature, Houston Endowment, Inc., and the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration of the United States Department of Justice. Built by the Texas Department of Corrections, construction of the Center provided thousands of inmates an opportunity to learn construction trades while building a facility dedicated to the education of current and future generations of criminal justice professionals.

In addition to the Institute, the Center houses the College of Criminal Justice, the Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas, and various research centers.

The Center can accommodate both large conferences and small meetings. The Killinger Auditorium seats as many as 444 people, while various seminar and training rooms are ideal for small group meetings and management retreats. The Institute is available to assist agencies and organizations with everything from program planning and arranging for speakers to organizing social events and receptions.

George J. Beto Criminal Justice Center

©2025 Correctional Management Institute of Texas

George J. Beto Criminal Justice Center
| Sam Houston State University
| A Member of The Texas State University System