Sam Houston State University (CMIT), on behalf of all Texas Specialty Courts, will receive grant funding from the Criminal Justice Division (CJD), Office of the Governor for training stipends to attend specialized court training. The training opportunities covered by these stipends are for the Texas Association of Specialty Courts (TASC) Annual Training Conference in Corpus Christi, Texas, April 11-13, 2022. Opportunities for members of your court team to attend this top-notch training are available as described below.
There will be approximately 275 stipends, not to exceed $1,000, to attend the TASC Conference in Corpus Christi, Texas, April 11-13, 2022.
Please Note
Those that have paid their registration fee prior to the stipend award WILL NOT be reimbursed. Any expenses incurred over the amount of the stipend award are the responsibility of the individual or their unit of government. Please be advised that the registration fee will automatically be deducted from the $1,000 at registration; therefore, the reimbursement amount will be less the amount of registration. You are responsible for making your own hotel reservations.
Changes have been made to the way hotel expenses are handled for stipend recipients. Hotel expenses will need to be covered by the recipient or their unit of government up front and then can be reimbursed by the grant after the conference. State per diem rates for lodging expenses will be followed during the reimbursement process. Please check these rates before booking your rooms. If your reservation is made within the TASC room block, you will be charged the state rate. This rate is not guaranteed if you book outside of the negotiated block.
In order to be eligible for these training stipends, the following criteria must be met:
The unit of government or individuals must submit their consolidated application (i.e. one application per court) for stipends no later than October 15, 2021 to Amber Gregory. Stipend applications will be submitted electronically this year. The presiding Judge of the court must approve the stipend application. Please email Amber Gregory at for confirmation of receipt of your application.
All submitted applications are reviewed for eligibility, reasonableness, and availability of funding. For applications submitted pursuant to this notice, a review group will be established to prioritize the applications. A review group may include staff members, experts in a relevant field, and members of an advisory board or council.
All stipend funding decisions rest completely within the discretionary authority of the Sam Houston State University, under the direction of the Office of the Governor, CJD. The receipt of an application for funding by TASC does not obligate Sam Houston State University to provide funding at the amount requested.
The unit of government or individuals receiving stipends will be required to pay for expenses for the conference (including airfare, lodging, hotel incidentals, parking, per diem, mileage, etc.) and request reimbursement from Sam Houston State University. Reimbursement requests must be submitted no later than thirty days after the conclusion of the conference. Therefore, the unit of government or individuals should submit their request for reimbursement for the TASC conference no later than May 13, 2022. Reimbursement requests will be submitted on forms as directed by Sam Houston State University (forms will be provided). After review by Sam Houston State University, reimbursements will be issued within 45 days of receipt.